Tarajim Al Asedi

The first ever most comprehensive translation and explanation of all major books on Tasawwuf in English by Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri

Shaikh As Sulami (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)

Abu Abdur Rahman Muhammad Bin Al-Husain As-Sulami (947-1034 CE) (ابوعبدالرحمان محمد بن حسين السلمي رحمة اللہ علیه) was a Sufi Shaikh and a scholar of Hadith and Quran from Nishapur. He was the descendant of an Arab tribe Sulaim through his maternal grandfather, and a descendant of Arab tribe Azdi from his father’s side. Both these Arab tribes had settled down in Khurasan. Shaikh As-Sulami was a prolific writer. He is famous for his collection of biographies of Awliya Allah titled ‘Generations of Sufi Shuyookh’ (طبقات الصوفية). He is reported to have about 100 books. Some of his books which have been preserved remain the most important authorities in Sufi literature till today. His works have been praised and quoted by scholars like Al-Hakim Nishapuri, Abu Nu’aim, Khatib Al-Badhdadi, Al-Ghazali, Hujwiri, Suharwardi, Qushairi, Baihaqi, etc.

Adab As Sohbah | Etiquette of Companionship

Adab As Sohbah | Etiquette of Companionship Volume I
Adab As Sohbah | Etiquette of Companionship Volume II
Adab As Sohbah | Etiquette of Companionship Volume III
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