Tadhkiratul Awliya | Remembering Awliya Allah Volume II

Shaikh Fariduddin Attar (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)

The book ‘Remembering Awliya Allah’ (تذكرة الاولياء) was written by Shaikh Fariduddin Attar (1145- 1229 CE) (رحمتہ اللہ علیه), who was a Sufi Shaikh and Poet in Persian language. He is famous for his work in poetry titled ‘The Conference of the Birds (منطق‌الطیر)’, and his work in prose titled ‘Remembering Awliya Allah’ (تذكرة الاولياء). The book ‘Remembering Awliya Allah’ (تذكرة الاولياء) contains 96 biographies of well-known Sufi Shuyookh. While writing these biographies, he shows a distinctive taste of his own. It looks, for writing this book, Shaikh Attar relied on the relevant written sources available to him during his lifetime. Comparisons with Arabic versions of similar content by other authors suggest that he presented and interpreted the stories authentically in a unique way. This book is divided into 9 volumes.



Last Updated
December 2024


Abu Hamid bin Abu Bakr Ibrahim (1145-1229 CE) (ابوحمید بن ابوبکر ابراهیم رحمتہ اللہ علیه), was a Sufi Shaikh and a poet in Persian, well known by his pen name Fariduddin Attar (فریدالدین عطار). His famous work in poetry is titled ‘The Conference of the Birds (منطق‌الطیر)’, and his famous work in prose is titled ‘Remembering Awliya Allah’ (تذكرة الاولياء). Shaikh Attar’s works were great inspiration to Rumi and several other Sufi poets (رحمتہ اللہ علیہم). Rumi (رحمتہ اللہ علیه) praises Attar in his famous Mathnawi, saying (عطار روح بود و سنایی دو چشم - او ما از پی سنایی و عطار آمدیم) ‘Attar was the soul, and Sanai was his two eyes, and we followed Sanai and Attar’. He also wrote (گرد عطّار گشت مولانا - شربت از دست شمس بودش نوش) ‘Rumi turned to Attar, and He drank the juice from Shams hand’. He also wrote (هفت شهر عشق را عطار گشت - ما هنوز اندر خم یک کوچه ایم) ‘Attar travelled through all the seven alleys of love (of Allah), While I am only at the bend of the first alley’.

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