Futuh Al Ghaib | Insight of the Unseen Volume I

Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (رضئ الله تعالی عنه)

The book 'Insight of the Unseen' (Futuh al-ghaib - فُتوح الغیب) is one of the books of Ghousul Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (رضئ الله تعالى عنه). It contains 78 sermons that were delivered by him in his Madrasa Qadriyya, Baghdad. The sermons were recorded and later compiled and published by his son Hadhrat Shaikh Isa bin Abdul Qadir (رحمة الله عليه). The sermons cover various topics, like Tawheed, Knowledge of Truth, (علمِ حقیقی), Divine Attributes, Fiqh, Tasawwuf, etc. These have been rendered into English by Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri.



Last Updated
September 2024


Shaikh Mohiuddin Abu Mohammad Abdul Qadir al-Jilani al-Ghawth al-Azam (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) was born in 470 AH (1077 CE) and died in 561 AH (1166 CE). Many scholars and Shuyook have written about the life and work of the Shaikh. He is widely known for his knowledge and practice, and for his meticulous attention to inner guidance. The Sufi Shuyookh of Ihsan and Islamic scholars are unanimous in declaring him worthy of the greatest honor and respect, and in confirming his authority among Awliya Allah. He has written many books and most of them have been rendered into English by Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri.

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