Shias and their beliefs

Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri

Shias are a prominent sect among Muslims. They came into being during the Caliphate of Hadhrat Ali (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) and since then they have been subdivided into hundreds of groups in the world. This book provides details about Shia groups and their beliefs.


Shia Beliefs

Last Updated
September 2024


Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri is well known all over the world for his explanation of Islamic Tawheed, Sahih Iman, Sahih Islam and Sahih Ihsan. He is a scholar, historian and poet. He is the author of Tafseer-e-Asedi, Irshad Al Asedi, Fusus Al-Iman and over 1000 books on various Islamic subjects. He has curated over 200 courses for the CIF International Academy. He has written many research articles on religion, history and other subjects. He is also the Editor in Chief of CIFIA Global Journal.

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