Shaikh Abu Abdur Rahman As-Sulami (1021–937) (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) was a famous scholar of Khurasan who has written hundreds of books. One of his most famous books is titled, ‘Generations of Sufi Shuyookh’ (Tabaqat As-Sufia - طبقات الصوفیة) which contains biographies of 103 Sufi Shuyook of Ihsan.
He has collected 40 Ahadith on Tasawwuf with his chain of transmitters going back to the Prophet (صلى اللہ علیه و آله وسلم), Sahabah and Taba’een. This book contains English translation and explanations of these Ahadith. Some Ahadith have been removed from his selection in view of some issues with their narrators. In their place, authentic Ahadith related to Tasawwuf have been added. It is hoped that readers will benefit from them.
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