Imam Abul Ḥasan Ahmad bin Muḥammad bin Ahmad bin Jaʿfar bin Hamdan al-Faqih al-Quduri (أبو الحسين أحمد بن محمد بن أحمد بن جعفر بن حمدان الفقيه الحنفي القُدُوري) (1037 – 973 AD) was a prominent Ḥanafi scholar and Jurist. He is known as Al-Quduri because he was born in a place called Qudurah which was located on the outskirts of Baghdad. The actual date of his birth is not known. It is reported that he was born in 362 AH (973 AD).
Imam Al-Quduri’s father name was Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Ja’far, who was a Hadith scholar. The details about his early life are not known.
Imam Al-Quduri memorized the Quran in early age and studied various Islamic subjects like Tafseer al-Quran, Hadith, Kalam, fiqh, etc.
His teachers include Shaikh Abu Abdullah Al-Faqih Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Jurjani who taught him Fiqh, and Shaikh Abu Al-Husain Al-Hushabi, who taught him Hadith.
Imam Al-Quduri’s prominent students include, Khatib Al-Baghdadi, Imam Al-Sarakhsī, Abu Abdullah Al-Damaghani, Abu Naṣr and Imam al-Tannukhi.
Imam Al-Quduri wrote many books like (i) Al-Taqrib, (ii) Al-Tajrid (iii) Sharḥ Mukhtaṣar al-Karkhi, and (iv) Mukhtaṣar al-Quduri.
His book Al-Taqrib contains explanations of the differences of opinions between Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Abu Hanifa’s students. In his book Al-Tajrid he compared the issues of differences of opinion among Hanafis and Shafiis.
Among all his works, Al-Quduri is the most famous work which is used as a textbook of Fiqh Al-Hanafi all over the world. It contains about 12,500 issues of Fiqh.
Imam Badruddin Al-Aini wrote that when Imam Quduri finished writing Al-Quduri, he went on Hajj and took this book along with him. After completing the Tawaf, he supplicated to Allah to help him identify and rectify the errors in his book. After the Hajj, he went through his book in detail, page by page, and it was reported that he found only six places where some editing was required.
Many commentaries have been written on Al-Quduri which include, Al-Jawharah Al-Nayyirah and Zad al-Fuqaha.
Imam al-Quduri died on 15th Rajab, 428 AH (May 9, 1037 AD). He was first buried at his home in Abu Khalaf Lane. Later his body was moved to a cemetery at Al-Mansur Street and buried next to the grave of Hanafi Jurist, Abu Bakr al-Khawarizmi.
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