The science of Kalam - An Overview

Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri

The science which deals with the beliefs is known as 'ilm al-kalam. The science which deals with Islamic morals is known as 'ilm al-akhlaq (ethics). The study of the imperatives (ahkam) is known as Ilm al-Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence). This classification is based on the relationship of Islamic teachings with human beings. Our entire focus in our books is related to Sahih Iman. All our books have been written on different topics, but the focus has always been on Sahih Iman. This book is an overview of Ilm al-Kalam. In Sha Allah people will benefit from it.


Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)

Last Updated
December 2024


Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri is well known all over the world for his explanation of Islamic Tawheed, Sahih Iman, Sahih Islam and Sahih Ihsan. He is a scholar, historian and poet. He is the author of Tafseer-e-Asedi, Irshad Al Asedi, Fusus Al-Iman and over 1000 books on various Islamic subjects. He has curated over 200 courses for the CIF International Academy. He has written many research articles on religion, history and other subjects. He is also the Editor in Chief of CIFIA Global Journal.

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